
The configuration file for Pylenium

Configure with a JSON File

If you don't want to use Pylenium's defaults but you don't want to configure it via the CLI, you can create a pylenium.json file at the Project Root (same directory as our conftest.py file) and do it with a JSON instead.

pylenium.json is already created when using the pylenium init command

Here are all of the current settings (and their defaults) you can configure right now:

  "driver": {
    "browser": "chrome",
    "remote_url": "",
    "wait_time": 10,
    "page_load_wait_time": 0,
    "options": [],
    "capabilities": {},
    "experimental_options": null,
    "extension_paths": [],
    "webdriver_kwargs": {},
    "seleniumwire_enabled": false,
    "seleniumwire_options": {},
    "local_path": ""
  "logging": {
    "screenshots_on": true
  "viewport": {
    "maximize": true,
    "width": 1440,
    "height": 900,
    "orientation": "portrait"

  "custom": {}

Change a single value

You only need to change the values you care about.

If I only wanted to change the browser to be "firefox", then only include that:

  "driver": {
    "browser": "firefox"

Adding custom values

You can add any objects within the custom object to be used by py.config

Adding your own key/value pairs is easy:

  "custom": {
    "env_url": "https://staging.our-app.com"

Now you can use it like any other dictionary in Python:




Complex custom objects

More complex or nested objects are easy to add as well:

  "custom": {
    "environment": {
      "url": "https://staging.our-app.com",
      "username": "foo",
      "password": "bar",
      "clusters": [ "cl01", "cl03", "cl05" ]

It's still just a Python dictionary, so you can easily access them:

# Get the entire environment object

# Get only the url

# Get the first item in the list of clusters

Multiple Versions

You can have multiple pylenium.json files and pick which one to use when executing tests.

For example, you can have multiple at your Project Root:

πŸ“‚ Project
    πŸ“ƒ conftest.py
    πŸ“ƒ pylenium.json
    πŸ“ƒ local.pylenium.json

or store them in another folder:

πŸ“‚ Project
    πŸ“ƒ conftest.py
    πŸ“ƒ pylenium.json
    πŸ“‚ config
	πŸ“ƒ local.pylenium.json
	πŸ“ƒ dev.pylenium.json
	πŸ“ƒ stage.config.json

Keep the original pylenium.json at the Project Root so the default behavior continues to work πŸ˜‰

Then, use the --pylenium_json argument to pick which to use:

pytest --pylenium_json="local.pylenium.json"

pytest --pylenium_json="config/dev.pylenium.json"

You can name your custom Pylenium config files whatever you like, but they MUST be .json and have the same shape (aka schema) as the default pylenium.json

Last updated