πŸ“ŠAllure CLI

Pylenium has commands for working with allure reporting

These are "convenience" commands if you are new to allure, but you can use these Pylenium commands or use the allure CLI directly (recommended)

allure install

Install the allure CLI on the current machine.

pylenium allure install

Pylenium detects your operating system and tries to install allure with the appropriate installation commands. However, it's recommended that you use their official installation docs instead.

allure check

Check that there is valid allure CLI installed on the current machine.

pylenium allure check
  • If successful, a message is displayed with the current version of allure

  • Otherwise, allure is not installed or not added to the PATH correctly

This is equivalent to the following allure command ⬇️

allure --version

allure serve

Starts the allure server, generates the report, and serves it as a new browser tab.

pylenium allure serve --folder [FOLDER]

This is equivalent to the following allure command ⬇️

allure serve [FOLDER]


Run your tests with pytest and specify that the output be saved to the allure-report folder

pytest --alluredir=allure-report

With the test run finished we can serve the report and see the results

pylenium allure serve --folder allure-report

Last updated